Proteomics Core Lab
To facilitate biomedical research in Chang Gung University (CGU) and Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (CGMH), the setup of Chang Gung Proteomics Core Laboratory (CGPCL) was initially proposed by Dr. Ying-Shiung Lee, the former Dean of Medical College, CGU and funded by CGMH in 2002. At the beginning, two mass spectrometers (Ultraflex MALDI-TOF/TOF MS and Esquire3000plus ESI-ion trap-MS) were equipped in the core, and the setup of CGPCL was accompanied with a program project “Applications of proteomics for exploring the pathogenesis and biomarkers of selected human cancers”, which was carried out by 5 faculty members in CGU and CGMH. In 2005, CGPCL was further supported by the Molecular Medicine Research Center (MMRC) (Director, Dr. Yu-Sun Chang) at CGU to install several state-of-art mass spectrometers and then integrated into MMRC as one of the functional core labs.
(1) Routine service for protein identification and quantification
(2) R & D for proteomic technology platforms
Members of Proteomics Core Lab
Extension: 3552
Extension: 3557